Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The amazing bony fish


Hey you people that are reading my blog. Today we are going to talk about fish.Yes fish! We are going to talk about the awesome stuff about bony fish. Today I am going to talk about three types of fish and all their types of fins. Lets get on to learn! YEAH!! 

rainbow darter maleRainbow Darter

Male River Chub   River Chub

male greenside darter Greenside Darter

Well that you have seen the fish that I am going to talk about. Know I am going to talk about them.  The first on my list is the rainbow darter.

The rainbow darter as you can see from  the name it looks like a rainbow. So it has all of the pretty colors like a rainbow. They call them rainbow darters because of the unique colors on the scales. If you think about it they kinda look like a sombrero.

Lets get started with the awesome facts that I am going to tell you.

Rainbow Darters have 8-13 vertical bands along the side of the body. Sometimes the bands are  blue on the males and brown on the females and their young.

They live in medium to small sized streams. They can be found in the rivers of Ohio. That is so amazing right! This fish eats coral and carp.

The rainbow darters breeding time is in the mid April to the mid May. Every female darter can lay up to 800 eggs. If you said in your mind how I am about to tell you. First the female lay up to 7 eggs per minute and the male fertilize the eggs. That's how they lay their eggs. Cool Right.

                                                     This video is short,but amazing.                                                             



The next fish is the river chub. This fish can be found in the rivers of Ohio. Ohio is just were all the fish want to live right , but any who lets move on with the amazing facts. 

The river chub lives in medium to large streams in Ohio. They live in a area that gets polluted a lot. so they don't have a clean air system, but they probably get use to it. They can be found in deeper waters of Ohio. If you do these fish are usually hiding. This fish eats other fish and coral.

The fish has a dark stripe on their scales it is more visible on the young and the non-breeding fish.

This fish breeds by a pile of pebbles and two lovers. The male piles the pebbles while the female spawns around it to create the eggs that they produce. Interesting right. 

Lets move on to my last fish.

Did you know that my favorite color is green. Well if you did not well it is. That's why I chose this next fish the greenside darter.

The greenside darter livves in Ohio with all the other fish I have been talking about. They live in some of the ponds. They like to live in ponds because in is easier for them to swim around.

The greenside darter color has green and yellow stripes, but when breeding they have red and yellow.

When the breeding season comes for these fish they like to start this in April and the tempture in the water has to be at least 55 to 65 deggrees and if it is not they will not breed that season.

                                 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED!!!!!

  • Have you ever wondered how fish swim.
  • Have you ever wondered what the fins that they have are called.
If youl did now here is the chance to now. They have SIX diffrent types of fins.

                                                      Here are the fins
  • The dorsal fin
  • The caudal fin
  • The anal fin
  • The pelvic fin
  • And the pectoral fin

If you did not know that operculum means gill cover. Well if you did that good if you didnt that is ok to. It is a hard flappy cover that protects the gills.

Dorsal fin- a dorsal fin is a fin that is located in the back of the fishes body.
Caudal fin- a caudal fin is a fin that helps them swim straigth.
Anal fin-a anal fin also helps the fish swim straight.
Pelvic fin- a pelvic fin is a pair of fins attached to the pelvic gridle.
 Pectoral fin-a pair of fin right behind the fishes head.

SORRY! but this blog is over. I have to go and so do you. see you next time. BYE-BYE   


On more thing I forgot  to tell you ,have a great holiday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Leaves Change Colors


Hey everybody today I am going to talk about leaves and how they change colors. As you can see outside on the trees they are changing from green, to red,  to yellow. Sometimes they can be like a dark pink,purple color. The leaves change color by season. If the leaves were in the summer, they would be green. If the leaves were in the spring, the leaves would still be green. In the winter there are not any leaves so there is no change of color. Fall is my favorite.Leaves in the fall can be any color. Maybe noy blue or white. They are all very beautiful colors.Well here we go on to the most fun part. The learning part.

This is why fall is my favorite season.  The leaves are so pretty.


What Makes Leaves Die!

· Humans kill leaves when they cut down the trees and they the leaves die because can not produce any more food.

· The weather makes the leaves die. When it gets colder the days get shorter then the leaves get weaker. They cant make any more food so they drop off and die.


Watch the video and learn more about how leaves change of color.

Okay lets get started with the awesome things to learn about how the leaves are changing. So lets move on with life. Well if you did not now about chlorophyll, here it comes right at ya!

· Chlorophyll-chlorophyll is a green pigment (a thing that changes the color of reflected light) found in almost all plants.

· Chlorophyll was first discovered by Joseph Bienaime Caventou and Pierre Joesph Pelletier in 1817.

· All green plants contain chlorophyll.

· Chlorophyll can be found in the chloroplast(a chlorophyll containing plastid) of plants.

Mr. CaventouMr. Pelletier


What We Have Learned

· How leaves change colors.

· What is chlorophyll?

· What colors could the leaves be in the seasons.

· What is a pigment?

· What colors leaves can be.

· Who discovered chlorophyll.

· How the leaves die?

Sorry I have to say good bye hope you liked everything. See you next time on my blog.