Friday, December 9, 2011


                                       Hello Graphic #119
HEY. Its me.Wondering if you want to jump into learning about AMPHIBIANS. Well I hope you do. Cause I know that I do. Lets move on and I will tell you what I am going to talk about.

  • Amphibians(frogs and toads)
  • The life cycle of amphibians
  • Where they live 
  • How they breathe 
  • Are they cold-blooded 
  • How they lay eggs

 Today I am talking about these amphibians 

Not this amphibian    

He is amazing right. I know and you don't forget it.

Frogs and toads are both awesome,but they are still somewhat very different. Like toads they have skin that kinda fells like warts.NASTY. Have you heard the story when you touch a toad you get warts. I have and I will never touch one . Anyway they are different in so many ways.


Do you see the difference in the picture I do.

Next is the life cycle of these amphibians. They go from an egg, to a tadpole, to an adult. Cool right. See they go throw this thing called metamorphosis. It is something like a baby into his moms stomach and than into a toddler.



Normally they live near swamps because it is where all of the insects are and it is a good place to give live birth. The swamps are a place that is like a wetland. So that means that they can keep their skin moist so they don't get dried out and possibly die. Swamps are probably the best place for them to live. WOW

OK next on my list is how they breathe when they are still in the eggs they live in water until they are fill grown adults. Why you ask. Well I am going to tell you.When they are going throw metamorphosis they star to grow legs and they leap out of the water because they have grown lungs and they don't have gills anymore.


They are cold blooded that means thet they can change their body tempter. So if they when in a fifty five degree weather they would have that same tempter in their body , but if the weather was hot that means the body tempter would be hot to.

Last,but not lets how they lay their eggs. They first of course breed.Then they lay the eggs in a safe spot next. Until the eggs hatch the paretnts will gard them. when the eggs hatch the are taken to a water leaf one bye one . If they are not they will try to eat each other. Then the parents leave and then they star the hole life cycle all over agian.

Goodbye Graphic #40
That is it for today hope you had a fun time and the  video for the chickens in the movie the muppets was amazing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The amazing bony fish


Hey you people that are reading my blog. Today we are going to talk about fish.Yes fish! We are going to talk about the awesome stuff about bony fish. Today I am going to talk about three types of fish and all their types of fins. Lets get on to learn! YEAH!! 

rainbow darter maleRainbow Darter

Male River Chub   River Chub

male greenside darter Greenside Darter

Well that you have seen the fish that I am going to talk about. Know I am going to talk about them.  The first on my list is the rainbow darter.

The rainbow darter as you can see from  the name it looks like a rainbow. So it has all of the pretty colors like a rainbow. They call them rainbow darters because of the unique colors on the scales. If you think about it they kinda look like a sombrero.

Lets get started with the awesome facts that I am going to tell you.

Rainbow Darters have 8-13 vertical bands along the side of the body. Sometimes the bands are  blue on the males and brown on the females and their young.

They live in medium to small sized streams. They can be found in the rivers of Ohio. That is so amazing right! This fish eats coral and carp.

The rainbow darters breeding time is in the mid April to the mid May. Every female darter can lay up to 800 eggs. If you said in your mind how I am about to tell you. First the female lay up to 7 eggs per minute and the male fertilize the eggs. That's how they lay their eggs. Cool Right.

                                                     This video is short,but amazing.                                                             



The next fish is the river chub. This fish can be found in the rivers of Ohio. Ohio is just were all the fish want to live right , but any who lets move on with the amazing facts. 

The river chub lives in medium to large streams in Ohio. They live in a area that gets polluted a lot. so they don't have a clean air system, but they probably get use to it. They can be found in deeper waters of Ohio. If you do these fish are usually hiding. This fish eats other fish and coral.

The fish has a dark stripe on their scales it is more visible on the young and the non-breeding fish.

This fish breeds by a pile of pebbles and two lovers. The male piles the pebbles while the female spawns around it to create the eggs that they produce. Interesting right. 

Lets move on to my last fish.

Did you know that my favorite color is green. Well if you did not well it is. That's why I chose this next fish the greenside darter.

The greenside darter livves in Ohio with all the other fish I have been talking about. They live in some of the ponds. They like to live in ponds because in is easier for them to swim around.

The greenside darter color has green and yellow stripes, but when breeding they have red and yellow.

When the breeding season comes for these fish they like to start this in April and the tempture in the water has to be at least 55 to 65 deggrees and if it is not they will not breed that season.

                                 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED!!!!!

  • Have you ever wondered how fish swim.
  • Have you ever wondered what the fins that they have are called.
If youl did now here is the chance to now. They have SIX diffrent types of fins.

                                                      Here are the fins
  • The dorsal fin
  • The caudal fin
  • The anal fin
  • The pelvic fin
  • And the pectoral fin

If you did not know that operculum means gill cover. Well if you did that good if you didnt that is ok to. It is a hard flappy cover that protects the gills.

Dorsal fin- a dorsal fin is a fin that is located in the back of the fishes body.
Caudal fin- a caudal fin is a fin that helps them swim straigth.
Anal fin-a anal fin also helps the fish swim straight.
Pelvic fin- a pelvic fin is a pair of fins attached to the pelvic gridle.
 Pectoral fin-a pair of fin right behind the fishes head.

SORRY! but this blog is over. I have to go and so do you. see you next time. BYE-BYE   


On more thing I forgot  to tell you ,have a great holiday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Leaves Change Colors


Hey everybody today I am going to talk about leaves and how they change colors. As you can see outside on the trees they are changing from green, to red,  to yellow. Sometimes they can be like a dark pink,purple color. The leaves change color by season. If the leaves were in the summer, they would be green. If the leaves were in the spring, the leaves would still be green. In the winter there are not any leaves so there is no change of color. Fall is my favorite.Leaves in the fall can be any color. Maybe noy blue or white. They are all very beautiful colors.Well here we go on to the most fun part. The learning part.

This is why fall is my favorite season.  The leaves are so pretty.


What Makes Leaves Die!

· Humans kill leaves when they cut down the trees and they the leaves die because can not produce any more food.

· The weather makes the leaves die. When it gets colder the days get shorter then the leaves get weaker. They cant make any more food so they drop off and die.


Watch the video and learn more about how leaves change of color.

Okay lets get started with the awesome things to learn about how the leaves are changing. So lets move on with life. Well if you did not now about chlorophyll, here it comes right at ya!

· Chlorophyll-chlorophyll is a green pigment (a thing that changes the color of reflected light) found in almost all plants.

· Chlorophyll was first discovered by Joseph Bienaime Caventou and Pierre Joesph Pelletier in 1817.

· All green plants contain chlorophyll.

· Chlorophyll can be found in the chloroplast(a chlorophyll containing plastid) of plants.

Mr. CaventouMr. Pelletier


What We Have Learned

· How leaves change colors.

· What is chlorophyll?

· What colors could the leaves be in the seasons.

· What is a pigment?

· What colors leaves can be.

· Who discovered chlorophyll.

· How the leaves die?

Sorry I have to say good bye hope you liked everything. See you next time on my blog.


Friday, October 28, 2011



Hey it's me again and this time I am going to talk about rays.  This is probably my most exciting blog because I really like rays and they are really cute.  I am going to compare and contrast rays to sharks.  Then I am going to describe what they look like.  Next I am going to describe their physical appearance.  

  • Compare and contrast rays to sharks.
  • Describe the ray's physical appearance.
  • What do they eat and how do they get their food?
  • How do rays defend themselves from predators?
  • Other interesting characteristics of rays.
  • I am going to teach you about a specific type of ray.
  • Whats the difference between a skate and a ray? 


                                                                 This is my favorite ray.  It's called the blue spotted stingray.Isn't it pretty.  I  like it.  Do you?  I am going to move on to the next on. ENJOY!!!!!!!

                                 COMPARE AND CONTRAST!!!!
First I am going to compare and contrast rays to sharks.  Like sharks rays have gills right , but rays have their gills on the on the bottom.  Sharks has their gills on the side.Sharks are alot diffrent comparing them to a ray.  If you think about it sharks are probably better hunters. Why because sharks are just built to hunt and rays are not they are built to sting things. I forgot one more thing .  If you think about this one to ray's and sharks skin feel the same.  They both feel like sandpaper.  Most rays camouflage into the sand.Sharks can't do that.  Or at least some sharks.  If sharks can do that that means they are the speacial kinds of sharks.  Now I going to move on to the next topic.  Hope you enjoy

                          PHYSICAL APPEARANCE !!!!!!!

Next I am going to talk about there physical appearance.  Ray's always are the fish that like to stand out.With their long tais and unique colors.  It just makes them stand out.  Did you know that rays tails can grow up to 10 feet long.Some ray's can be bigger than 4 people. I will show a picture in one minute.  Some rays mothe can be at the bottom or top.Their mouth is like that because sometime it's easier for them to get food.  The only down side to this is that they can'y see what they are eatig look at this video and picture for more.




                    HOW THEY  GET THEIR FOOD!!!!!

                 AND WHAT IT EATS!!!!!!!

They get their food by digging or waiting for the food.  Some rays are clever they just do what anybody would do.  Just go and get it.  Not wait for  it.  That makes you more hungray because it could take a fish days to  get past them.Don't worry they still are smart to move right. They eats crustaceans,small fish, and  mollusks.these thing are the most common of what they eat.They can't smell it so they use smell and electro receptors to find their food.  AWESOME RIGHT!!!!!



Now I can move on to how they defend themselves.  They use their tail to sting  you.  That's why they are could the sting ray.   If they get frightened they will sting you and it's not funny at all it hurts so bad,but I am just guessing.  People can die if they get hurt like that.  Look at this picture. I feel bad for her/him.     They use their 10 foot long tail to zap you.  Then they



  • Some rays {blue spotted ray} have very long tails that can grow up to 10 ft long.
  • Rays can not see what they are eating sometimes,but their is one ray I now that can{manta ray}.
  • Rays can be very dangerous, to us and other people.
  • Stingrays are really good hunters.
  • They use their tail for self defense.
  • Their mouth is at the bottom of thier body.


    Tuesday, September 20, 2011

    Hagfish and Jawless fish

    I am going to talk about hagfish , but later on I am going to talk about lampreys.So hagfish look very nasty , but they actually help us by eating dead fish at the bottom of the sea.Hagfish use slime for self-defense.It sounds nasty, but it is pretty cool.Sometimes it can be nasty because they keep producing it until it runs out.Hagfish  have long bodies that can grow up to 16-32 inches long.Their eyes can be found under their skin .I know that sounds super duper nasty.There are 30 types of hagfish in the world.Their colors go to pink to black to gray. Then it stays that color forever and ever and ever.

    Sea Lamprey

      Now I am going to talk about lampreys.I don't know much about this but here I go.Lampreys look nasty and they are nasty. Like hagfish they do not eat dead thing,s they eat things that are alive like sharks and other things like sharks.Lampreys live in the fresh and salt water.Lampreys are very long.In fact  they can grow up to 27 inches long.Lampreys scare me the most because when they eat their mouth has to suck on it and all they really want out of what they eat is their meat and blood. Even though  they are jawless sometimes they deserve to live. MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    THANK YOU for coming to see my blog at Taylor's Science of Fun. You can follow me at Thanks and have a great day. Sorry if I scared you on talking about this. If you have a problem tell me and leave coments. Hope you had fun! Bye!

    THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    The Levels of Classifacation

    Hi and welcome to Taylor's science of fun. Today we are going to have fun because we are going to learn about the Levels of Classification:
     Now I am classifying the BABY PIT baby
     IT SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So lets get started the kingdom of the baby pit bull is the ANIMALIA.Examples of an animalia is a tiger          

    Lets get started with the Phylum kingdom.Now the phylum of the baby pit bull is CHORDATA.Chordata  means a animals with a back bone so that means this dog has a back bone.Again a panther is an example of a Chordata.

    The class of the pit bull is the MAMMALIA.An example of a mammalia is a Jaguar.

     The order of the pit bull is a CANIDAE.The example for a canidae is poodle.

    Its genus is a CANIS.Another example for a canis is a dingo dog.                                                        

    The species is CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARS.  an example for the species family is a domestic dog.    

    THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY BLOG AND LEARNING WITH ME. THANK YOU AND HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011


    Aristolte divide animal lifeand plant life into separate kingdoms.Living things sre classified based on how they are alike.The plant kingdom has manycells that have an outer cell.The archabacteria kingdom includes single celled organisoums.The name means ''anciet bacteria''.The animal kingdom are made up of many  diffrent
    cells .Eubacteria kingdom once made up a kingdom menera in the five kingdom system of classifacation.the protist  kingdom is ae up of on cell.The fungi kingdom contains sigle celled or may celled organismsthat reproduce by spores.


    Friday, August 12, 2011

    This year I want to be on the AB honer roll.I hope the class are much more fun.I love this school so much i bet it will be better.

    Tuesday, August 9, 2011

    This summer was so much fun intil my great grandfather got sick. He went to the hospital for to weeks it not so much fun. This lady came over to do my hair the next week. My grandmother went to a meeting for four days.I had to go to my aunts.And that was my summer.